Xentus top image.png

Xentus was originally planned to be a big game. For our Game Capstone 1 project, my teammate, Carlos, and I experimented with mechanics that we wanted to have in our dream version of a game someday. However, many of our ideas  transformed over the time we spent on this. More than anything, this was more of a project to discover and experiment with what works and what we believe would be fun and interesting.

All of the assets in the game were made completely from us with the exception of the post processing image effects from Unity Technologies. These included shaders that performed HDR tonemapping, motion blur, anti-aliasing, and screen space ambient occlusion effects to enrich the graphics of the game.

This game prototype mainly comprised of:

Carlos' Experience

I did all of the programming for this game, mostly in C#, along with a bit of Xml to store data for the game. It came out to about 14,000 lines of code, which includes but was not limited to the following:•    Handling of player input from the keyboard and mouse and from a joystick controller

Earlier in the project, we used capsules and cylinders in place of our characters. Below, an example of our dialogue system was shown before characters were put in: